Marketing & Corporate Content
I’ve been The Resident Creative Person™ (read: in-house solo creative) for nearly a decade at this point, so while I don’t have a variety of clients to show off, I do have a substantial body of work showcasing a great deal of growth from those whopping two (2) “clients” that I do have.
The “Fun Stuff”: Social Media Content & Ads
Bite-sized, social-optimized organic posts and ads featuring a lot of motion graphics/animation. And some superbly silly live-action April Fool’s Day sketches.
A selection of my favorite bits from over five years at ACCS/Credit Direct. I was hired as sort of a “general purpose” graphic designer who knew a thing or two about motion graphics when I started, but my Illustrator and After Effects skills grew immensely over my years there just from the sheer volume of little videos I was making. Not to mention my understanding of animation principles like timing, anticipation, easing, exaggeration, and so on (shoutout to School of Motion’s Animation Bootcamp). I learned so many tricks and techniques and discovered so many amazing resources—just to make the ideas I had in my head a reality every day.
This is my favorite thing I ever made at Xometry! I'm an entertainer at heart, so after so many engineering videos and product demos, I was really excited at the prospect of getting paid to make a comedy sketch. Those credits at the end are (mostly) no joke—I really did write, cast, direct, voice, edit, and design the assets for this very silly video. We had a lot of setbacks throughout production, including an actual blizzard on shoot day, but we still made it happen!
Xoe was my pride and joy, but this “artisanal whittling” stunt earns an honorable mention. The shots and editing style deliberately mimicked our real process and material demos, with a dash of “mockumentary”-ish shots for flavor. The whole production was far less complex than Xoe’s was, but sometimes less is more!
The “Dry Stuff”: Longer-Form Ads, Explainers, Etc.
Sort of a corporate video (this was made for the About page), sort of an ad. I had the pleasure of working with a hired camera crew (with glorious pro-grade cameras, drool) who shot interviews with some of our staff on location at ACCS HQ. Then it was my turn—reviewing all that raw unscripted footage, I cut it down (with some illustrative stock footage peppered in) to craft a concise but still sincere narrative to better convey who ACCS is as a company.
Surprise—more motion graphics! Part explainer/part ad concisely demonstrating the somewhat challenging topic of debt settlement—while keeping the whole thing friendly and approachable. I worked with my team to write the script, then did my own voiceover and used a combination of stock and custom illustrations to create this. Learned a whole lot of new animation techniques in the process, too!
Besides the writing (which I did help with) this was a mostly solo endeavor—from shooting myself on a green screen in my living room, to sourcing stock footage, to editing everything together, to adding all the explanatory text overlays, and everything in between. It was also my first time using an actual prompter…can you tell?
Like the "We Change Lives" video, a hired camera crew shot our presenter reading a few scripts on location at ACCS HQ. I then took the many, many gigabytes of footage and—with the magic of editing and motion design—a series of ads was born! This is just one of six in total that came out of this project.
This case study featured an out-of-state client, so we hired a crew to conduct and shoot the interview onsite while we directed everything remotely. I then took over, editing the footage together into a cohesive narrative and creating all the relevant marketing assets. This project involved quite a bit of color correction, footage stabilization, audio corrections, and other post-production work in addition to the "basic" editing needs—not to mention getting to work with RED footage for the first time!
From a raw screen recording and explainer script provided by one of the software engineers, I created this straightforward product demo to guide customers through the instant quoting process that had recently been streamlined. I also provided the voiceover, per usual.